the context

The term “Filthy Lucre” is found in the King James Version of the bible. It is an archaic phrase used to refer to dishonest or ill-gotten gain, particularly in the context of money or wealth acquired through immoral means.

But there’s the problem…

The King James version of the bible has been criticized for its lack of accuracy in historical
translation, sentence structure, textual variances (research Textus Receptus), and cultural and historical biases being written into the text.

In fact, the term “Filthy Lucre” does not appear in any other version of the bible besides the King James version. Other versions convey the same idea, but the King James version branded it and wrote entire lines of scripture to help define it.

The term “Filthy Lucre” insinuates that money is dirty. Have you ever heard "money is the root of
all evil". Ever ask yourself how many people who promote that messages believe it themselves?

Do you believe it?

the substance

In reality, money is a necessity. So are the things we need to do to get it, whether they are moral or not.

When we hear the term “Filthy Lucre” we don’t view it in a negative way. We understand it as a necessary part of life. It’s a decision that every person must make within themselves to achieve their desired level of success.

It’s the decision every young hustler makes when he gets his first pack to help his mother out with bills. It’s the decision a young mother makes to set up an Only Fans to feed her kids. It’s the decision a business owner makes to acquire a company and fire the entire staff. It’s the decision a politician makes to run
for president to gain the ultimate power and influence.

Some of these decisions are made in sacrifice of self. Some of them are made to sacrifice others… All of these decisions are necessary.

Filthy Lucre - infinitely Infamous

We represent those who aren’t afraid to take the risks associated with success.

Those who aren’t afraid to burn the bridges off mediocracy to achieve exclusivity.

Those who are willing to sacrifice themselves in order to help the ones they love.

Those who know... the game is to be played, and to be won... by any means necessary!

We are the Infinitely Infamous!