The Beginning

To understand our brand, its best to start with a story about the brand owner and lead designer – Maestro.

Maestro was born in New Orleans, Louisiana and moved with his family to New Jersey at the young age of 5. As a child he developed a love for music, film, and art which led him down various creative paths. The world was a big and confusing place, and Maestro used his art as a release.

Early on in life Maestro noticed that the most powerful figures in society all seemed to use the same trick to control people and maintain power. All of them were able to “smile in your face while stabbing you in the back”. Maestro never thought that this was honorable but eventually he learned, to achieve success, developing this type of mind state was a necessity.

The concept of “kill or be killed” is not only prevalent today’s society... it's a universal law that has applied itself to this world since the beginning of time. you either win or you lose… There are no other options. Maestro understood this concept at a very young age, and by the time he got to high school, the concept started to manifest into real life situations.


Maestro attended Hampton University from 1999 through 2003 on an athletic scholarship. His love for art remained, but so did his love for mischief. Most kids go to college to learn, but Maestro had a different agenda. Guns, drugs, schemes, and hustles were all readily available and Maestro took every advantage to make his mark. Needless to say, his activities caught up with him, so did Hampton City Police.

Maestro was faced with a choice... Tell on your friends, or face 5 years in a Federal Prison. This was the first time Maestro had ever been in an otherwise unwinnable situation. It was the hardest decision he ever had to make at that point in his life... and he chose to stay silent. Good lawyers come in handy.

By the graces of god and some timely heartfelt letters from his father and head coach, Maestro was placed on probation for 5 years instead. As the judge closed the case he said "If I even catch you j-walking out here, I'll lock you up". Maestro didn't care about the judges warning. Money was to be made, and Maestro was out to make it. He continued to follow the same route until the day he graduated.

When Maestro returned home to New Jersey, the same opportunities were there, just multiplied by 10. None of them were great and Maestro wanted to avoid another round with the court system if he could. Job opportunities weren't great for a kid fresh out of school so Maestro did what he knew best... he hustled.

Finding a way

Stressed out by life and eager for a creative release, Maestro took his old notebook of drawings and lyrics to his friends studio and began recording songs in 2004. Music was a way for Maestro to escape reality, and he immersed himself in the craft.

Maestro joined the rap group “Da Hardtimerz” and released 8 independent mixtapes between 2007 and 2020 with his group member Hittman Da Menace. He produced over 300 beats and opened his own studio. Things were looking up and success was on the horizon, but so was trouble.

Maestro couldn't escape the hustle. Two additional arrests and more probation placed him in the same vicious circle he worked so hard to avoid. He needed to find a better way out.

Kill or Be Killed

As Maestro started to seek real employment, he learned “kill or be killed” applies to the corporate world, just as it does in the streets. Every corporate job he had up to that point had basically used him, then disposed of him without regard. When he tried to go for certifications, the school was shut down for scamming students and encouraging people to lie on their resume.

Maestro tried to write this off as karma, but eventually he came to realize... No matter where he looked… there were those seeking ill gotten gains.

Maestro understood this now more than ever. No matter how honorable, nice, or respected a person seems to be, there is probably that other side of them that would "stab you in the back with a smile on their face" if they had to. It didn’t matter if that person was an old friend, a coworker, or a family member. It didn’t matter if the person was poor, rich, or in-between. It didn’t matter what religion, political view, gender, or status the person was. The game was to be played… and you either win, or you lose.

filthy lucre

Maestro created the brand “Filthy Lucre”, to pay homage those who also understand the game of life. The brand is designed for those who live by the necessary nature of "Filthy Lucre" and agree to its terms.

If this is you... we invite you to the Infinitely Infamous.